Good Short Stories to Start English Language Arts Classes With

Have you tried to run a marathon with no practice?

I promise non. You might pull a muscle.

You lot demand to start minor in order to achieve something big like that.

When it comes to learning English, what if I told you that you tin empathize big ideas with just a little bit of text?

You do not need to wait several years to deal with complex ideas.

Just because y'all are learning a language does non mean you demand to limit your thinking.

Stories are all about going beyond reality. It is no wonder that they allow you empathize large ideas with only a piffling chip of English reading practice.

But this works better when you're reading amend stories.

I am talking about award-winning brusk stories, told using language easily understood past English beginner learners. These will non only improve your English reading but also open your listen to unlike worlds.

Why Short Stories Are Best for English Learning

Curt stories are amazing resources for whatever English learner. That's considering:

  • You get more time to focus on individual words. When a text is brusk, you can spend more than time learning how every single word is used and what importance it has in the piece.
  • You can read a whole story in one sitting. Attention spans are very of import for learning, and the ability to finish a story gives yous more time to empathize it. Short stories are designed to requite you lot maximum information with minimal attempt.
  • It is best for consistency. It is far easier to read one story every day than trying to read a big novel that never seems to end.
  • Yous can share them hands in a grouping. Since short stories can be read in a unmarried sitting, they are ideal for volume clubs and learning circles. Most of the time these groups practise not work considering members have no time to read. Short stories are the perfect solution.
  • You can focus more than on ideas and concepts. Linguistic communication is less about words and more about the meaning behind them. If you spend all your time learning vocabulary and grammar, y'all volition never exist able to fluently speak a language because y'all will take little to talk about. These short stories give you the opportunity to understand large ideas in context.

You can choose near whatever short story and get something useful out of it. Each story has its own special features that y'all can appreciate.

The best kind of story will exist one that is interesting, has a strong message and, of course, helps you to both practice and learn English. Information technology volition be i that leaves an affect, both in your English language teaching and in your imagination.

Short stories are also a bully resource for English learners because they allow yous to work on reading, speaking and listening at the same time. In our fantastic digital historic period, it is possible to notice wonderful brusque stories online in video class. If you find a video that includes English-linguistic communication subtitles, you lot can read while also listening to how a native speaker pronounces words.

If you lot're looking for short stories in video course, why non check out FluentU?

Each video contains interactive subtitles and so you tin read along equally you lot listen.

If you lot don't know a give-and-take, only click on it to encounter a definition and instance sentences from other videos.

Fifty-fifty better, each FluentU video comes with a vocabulary list, a transcript and a comprehension quiz. This means that each video is as well a powerful linguistic communication-learning tool in and of itself.

Some of the curt stories highlighted beneath are available in video format on FluentU. Be sure to check them out if you want to work your listening comprehension and pronunciation alongside your reading skills.

25 Easy English language Short Stories with Big Ideas

ane. "The Bogey Beast" by Flora Annie Steel

english story

A woman finds a pot of treasure on the road while she is returning from work. Delighted (very happy) with her luck, she decides to go along it. As she is taking it home, information technology keeps irresolute. Nonetheless, her enthusiasm refuses to fade away (disappear or faint slowly).

What Is Great Almost Information technology: The old lady in this story is one of the most cheerful characters anyone can encounter in English fiction. Her positive disposition (personality) tries to make every negative state of affairs seem like a souvenir, and she helps us await at luck as a thing of our view rather than events.

2. "The Tortoise and the Hare" by Aesop

The Tortoise and the Hare: An Aesop Fable (Reading Rainbow Books)

This classic fable (story) tells the story of a very slow tortoise (another word for turtle) and a speedy hare (some other give-and-take for rabbit). The tortoise challenges the hare to a race. The hare laughs at the idea that a tortoise could run faster than him, merely when the 2 actually race, the results are surprising.

What Is Great Nearly It: Have you always heard the English expression, "Slow and steady wins the race"? This story is the ground for that common phrase. This timeless (classic) short story teaches a lesson that we all know but tin can sometimes forget: Natural talent is no substitute for hard work, and overconfidence often leads to failure.

This short story is bachelor on FluentU, and then you tin can accept advantage of all of FluentU's great language-learning features while revisiting this childhood archetype.

Start by watching the video and following along with the subtitles. Or, brainstorm by clicking the "Dialogue" tab to read through the entire brusk story before watching and listening. Make sure yous cheque out the video's vocabulary list, too.

And equally you're watching, follow along with the interactive subtitles. This is perfect for beginning learners, since you'll be getting built-in speaking and pronunciation practice.

If you lot come to a word you don't know, just click on it to larn its definition or add it to a custom vocabulary list. For instance, if you click on "whooped and hollered," hither'southward what you'll see:

english story

Click the "Add To" push button in the top-correct corner to put this phrase into a custom flashcard deck or vocabulary listing. It'll exist stored there then you can come back and practice afterward. You lot'll too run into examples of the phrase in sentences. Plus, yous can click on other FluentU videos that include the same phrase in unlike contexts and situations.

Don't overlook video versions of brusk stories! They're incredibly valuable linguistic communication-learning resources, since they allow you to amend your grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, listening and pronunciation skills all at the same fourth dimension.

Y'all tin watch this and other FluentU brusk story videos on your desktop or take them with you wherever you get by downloading the FluentU app for iOS or Android.

iii. "The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse" by Beatrix Potter

The Tale of Johnny Town-mouse (Peter Rabbit)

Timmie Willie is a country mouse who is accidentally taken to a metropolis in a vegetable handbasket. When he wakes up, he finds himself at a party and makes a friend. When he is unable to bear (tolerate or experience) the city life, he returns to his domicile merely invites his friend to the village. When his friend visits him, something similar happens.

What Is Great Almost It: Humans accept been living without cities or villages for near of history. That means that both village and city life are contempo inventions. And just like every other invention, nosotros need to decide their costs and benefits.

The story is precisely (exactly) about this debate. Information technology is divided into short paragraphs and has illustrations for each scene. This is best for beginners who want to start reading immediately.

iv. "The Night Train at Deoli" past Ruskin Bond

Night Train at Deoli and Other Stories (India)

Ruskin Bond used to spend his summertime at his grandmother'due south house in Dehradun. While taking the railroad train, he e'er had to pass through a pocket-sized station chosen Deoli. No one used to become down at the station and nothing happened at that place. Until ane day he sees a daughter selling fruit and he is unable to forget her.

What Is Great About It: Ruskin Bond is a writer who can communicate deep feelings in a simple mode. This story is almost our attachment to strangers and why nosotros cherish (value or appreciate deeply) them fifty-fifty though nosotros do not meet them ever again.

5. "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury

There Will Come Soft Rains (Tale Blazers: American Literature)

Globe has been destroyed by war and no one lives on it anymore. The robots and the machines go on to function and serve human beings who have long ago died.

What Is Great Well-nigh It: The title is taken from a verse form that describes how nature will keep its work long after humanity is gone. But in this story, we come across that nature plays a supporting role and the machines are the ones who have taken its place.

They continue their work without any human or natural assistance. This shows how technology has replaced nature in our lives and how it can both destroy us and carry on without humanity itself.

6. "Orientation" by Daniel Orozco

Orientation: A Story: And Other Stories

This is a humorous story where the speaker explains the function policies, as well equally gossip about the staff, to a new employee.

It is extremely easy to read as the sentences are short and without any overly difficult words. Many working English learners will chronicle to it as it explains the absurdities (dizzy moments) of modern office life and how so little of it makes sense.

What Is Great About It: Modern workplaces ofttimes feel like theaters where we pretend to work rather than get actual work washed. The speaker exposes this reality that nobody will ever admit to. He over-explains everything from the view out the function window to the intimate details of everyone's life—from the overweight loner to the secret series killer.

It talks nearly the things that become unsaid; how people at the office know nigh the deep secrets of our home life, simply do not talk about it. Instead, the secrets become simply blend into the office environment, like a potted plant that is seen but does not stand out.

The speaker accomplishes this by discussing the details of the tragic death of a coworker'south wife in the same unwavering, mundane (normal) tone equally he discusses the details of the copier and office fridge. This absurd balance manages to make the story both light and deep at the aforementioned time.

vii. "Paper Menagerie" by Ken LiuThe Paper Menagerie and Other Stories

Jack's mother tin can make newspaper animals come up to life. In the beginning, Jack loves them and spends hours with his mom. But as soon as he grows upwardly he stops talking to her since she is unable to antipodal (speak) in English.

When his mother tries to talk to him through her creations, he kills them and collects them in a box. After a tragic loss, he finally gets to know her story through a subconscious message which he should take read a long time ago.

What Is Swell Virtually It: The story is a simple narration that touches on complex issues. It is about leaving your ain country with the promise of a better life.

Information technology is too about the conflicts that can occur between families when different cultures and languages collide. In this case, the tension is and so high that it destroys the relationship between a mother and her son. It also has a moving message about never taking your loved ones for granted.

8. "The Missing Mail" past R.Chiliad. Narayan

Thanappa is the village mailman who is skilful friends with Ramanujam and his family. He gets to know almost a failed marriage and helps Ramanujam's daughter get engaged with a suitable friction match. Just before the wedding, Thanappa receives a tragic letter near Ramanujam'due south blood brother. He decides not to deliver it.

What Is Swell Almost It: Despite the best of intentions, our deportment can cause more than impairment to our loved ones than we e'er intended. The story is nigh the complicated play of relationships and feelings which are always nowadays in our social circles, just we are oftentimes ignorant of it.

Note: You can detect this story as office of a collection of stories by this author in PDF format here.

9. "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr

Welcome to the Monkey House: A Collection of Short Works

The year is 2081 and everyone has been made equal by force. To do this, every person who is superior in any manner has been handicapped (something that prevents a person'due south full apply of their abilities) by the regime.

Intelligent people are distracted by disturbing noises. Good dancers accept to wear weights then that they practise not dance too well. Attractive people wear ugly masks then they do non look better than anyone else.

Nonetheless, i day there is a rebellion, and everything changes for a cursory instant.

What Is Great About It:Technology is always supposed to make u.s.a. better. But in this instance, we see that information technology can be used to disable our talents. Moreover, the writer shows usa how the mindless use of a single value like equality can create more than suffering for everyone.

ten. "The School" by Donald Barthelme

"The School" (Electric Literature's Recommended Reading)

A school instructor is narrating all the recent incidents that have happened on campus. First, they mention a garden where all the trees died. Pretty shortly deaths of all kinds brainstorm to occur.

What Is Great Nearly Information technology:Most of the adults practise not know how to deal with decease, fifty-fifty though they desire to teach children nigh it. Information technology makes us realize how weak our teaching systems are because they can not help us bargain with life's virtually bones bug.

Somewhen, the students get-go to lose faith in everything, and the adults have to put on a show of love to make themselves less frightened. It shows how adults tin can fail to explain and sympathize expiry, so they just pretend that they practise. In this way, the cycle of misunderstanding and avoiding life's issues continues.

11. "Girl" past Jamaica Kincaid

english story

A mother is telling her daughter how to live her life properly. The girl does not seem to have any say in it.

What Is Bang-up About It: This may not be technically a story since at that place is no plot. "Girl" talks about how girls are taught to live restricted lives since childhood. The female parent instructs (tells) her to practice all the household chores, indicating that it is her sole purpose (only aim or duty).

Sometimes the female parent tells her to non attract attending, to not talk to boys and to always keep away from men. On the other manus, she hints that she will accept to be attractive to bakers and other suitable males in social club in order to live a proficient life.

This story is about these alien ideas that girls face when growing upwards.

12. "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" past Rudyard Kipling


"Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" is about a Mongoose who regularly visits a family in India. The family feeds him and lets him explore their house, only they worry that he might bite their son, Teddy.

One day a snake is most to assail him when the Mongoose kills it. Somewhen, he becomes a part of the family forever.

What Is Great Most It: This is a simple story well-nigh humans and animals living together every bit friends. Information technology is onetime, but the linguistic communication is adequately easy to understand. Information technology reminds us that animals tin can as well experience feelings of honey and, similar humans, they will also protect the ones they beloved.

"Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" is role of Kipling's short story collection "The Jungle Book," which was famously made into a movie by Disney. If you enjoy the story but need a intermission from reading, check out this captivating trailer for Disney'south newer version of the movie.

That video is also available on FluentU, so you don't have to worry that yous won't empathize—just click on any give-and-take in the interactive subtitles for an instant definition. There are also flashcards and fun quizzes to aid you learn from the video, as well equally the thousands of other real English videos available on FluentU.

thirteen. Extract from "Picayune Dorrit" by Charles Dickens

english story

Dorrit is a kid whose father has been in prison house ever since she could recall. Unable to pay their debts, the whole family unit is forced to spend their days in a cell.

Dorrit thinks about the exterior world and longs to see it (wishes to encounter it).

This excerpt introduces you to the family and their life in prison. The novel is nigh how they manage to go out and how Dorrit never forgets the kindness of the people who helped her.

What Is Groovy Most Information technology: Injustice in law is often reserved for the poor. "Niggling Dorrit" shows clearly how it works in society.

It is about the authorities jailing people for not beingness able to render their loans, a historical practice the author hated since his ain father was punished in a similar way. The story reveals how the rich crook the poor then put them into prisons instead of facing penalty.

fourteen. "To Build a Fire" by Jack London

To Build a Fire and Other Tales of the North

A human travels to a freezing, isolated place chosen Yukon. He merely has his dog with him for company.

Throughout his journeying, he ignores the advice other people had given him and takes his life for granted. Finally, he realizes the existent power of nature and how delicate (easily broken) human life really is.

What Is Cracking About It: The classic fight between life and death has always fascinated united states of america. Nature is oft seen as a powerful force that should be feared and respected. The human in this story is devil-may-care and, despite having helpful information, makes dizzy mistakes. He takes the power of natural forces too lightly.

The fauna is the one who is cautious and sensible in this unsafe situation. By the end, readers wonder who is really intelligent—the human being who could not deal with nature or the dog who could survive?

15. "Evil Robot Monkey" by Mary Robinette Kowal

english story

Sly is a chimpanzee who is much smarter than the other chimpanzees. He loves to play with clay on a potter's wheel all day and likes to go along to himself.

But one day when the schoolhouse kids bully him, he loses his temper and acts out in anger. Seeing this, the teacher punishes him and takes away his clay.

What Is Great Nearly It: Sly is a grapheme who does not fit into society. He is too smart for the other chimps, simply humans exercise not take him. He is punished for acting out his natural emotions. But the way he handles his rage, in the end, makes him await more mature than well-nigh human beings. Nominated for the Hugo honor, many readers have connected with Sly since they can encounter similarities in their ain lives.

xvi. "The Zero Meter Diving Team" by Jim Shepherd

english story

The Chernobyl nuclear disaster was 1 of the most mortiferous accidents in the twentieth century.

This is a story nigh that issue through the eyes of a male parent and his sons. The family unit was unfortunate enough to exist close to the disaster area and give a detailed account of the accident.

The story exposes the whole organization of abuse that led to a massive explosion taking innocent lives and poisoning multiple generations.

The technical vocabulary and foreign words make this text a little more difficult. However, the story is relatively easy to follow.

What Is Nifty About It:It is no secret that governments lie to their own people. Merely sometimes these lies can cost lives. Very often nosotros take this as normal, merely this tale opens our eyes to the cost of our indifference (lack of worry).

The story is divided into minor parts that brand it both easy and heady to read.

The various events are about life in general in what was then known as the Soviet Union. And just like whatsoever other practiced story, information technology is also about human relationships and how they change due to historic events.

17. "The Monkey's Paw" by Westward.West. Jacobs

The Monkey's Paw and Other Tales of Mystery and the Macabre

A man brings a magical monkey's paw from Bharat, which grants three wishes to three people.

When the White family buys information technology from him, they realize that sometimes you do not want your wishes to come true.

What Is Bang-up Well-nigh It: Sometimes we wish for things, but we do not recollect about their consequences.

In this story, the characters immediately regret when their wishes come truthful because either someone dies or something worse happens. The characters realize that they never thought virtually the ways their wishes could destroy people and their lives.

18. "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin

The Story Of An Hour: Short Story

Mrs. Mallard has centre troubles that could kill her.

When her married man dies, the people who come to requite her this news try to exercise and so gently. When she is finally informed, she bursts into tears. Eventually, she goes to her room and locks herself in.

All the same, while thinking almost the future, she is excited past the thought of freedom that could come later on her husband's death.

After an hour, the doorbell rings and her hubby is continuing there alive and well. When she sees him, she has a heart attack and dies.

What Is Groovy About Information technology: Marriages tin be similar prisons for women. The one in this tale definitely seems similar a heavy burden. Despite her grief, Mrs. Mallard is able to keep herself healthy with the promise of freedom from her husband.

But as presently as she realizes that she will have to go back to her old life, her body is unable to have it. The story explores the conflicting range of human emotions of grief and hope in a short span, and the impact it can have on a person's mind and trunk.

19. "A Tiny Feast" past Chris Adrian

english story

The basic characters are taken from Shakespeare'due south famous play "A Midsummer Night'south Dream."

Even so, in this story, the plot and the concept are entirely unlike.

Titania and Oberon are the rulers of fairies who have been dealing with problems in their marriage. I day they detect a man child and make up one's mind to adopt him. They hope that this kid will help them salvage their human relationship.

Withal, the child develops a deadly illness and the fairies accept no thought what to practise since they have never known illness or death. This is a tragic tale about how they attempt to understand something they accept never seen earlier and their deep love for a stranger who is so dissimilar them.

What Is Great About It: The story isable to explore human relationships through imaginary creatures. It explores the grief of parenthood and also the uncertainty of knowing whether your child will always even know you lot. It besides beautifully captures the sense of the unknown and the helplessness which every man existence faces in front end of it.

xx. "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson

english story

Every year, a minor town holds an effect known as "the lottery" that everyone attends. During this outcome, someone from the customs is randomly chosen…just for what reason?

What Is Slap-up About Information technology: The story makes you wonder about human behavior, particularly inside a grouping of people. Perhaps you may have heard of the term "mob mentality" and how information technology can allow for some pretty surprising things to happen.

This curt story is considered to be one of the nearly famous short stories in American literature.

Information technology shows an case of what is known as a dystopian society, where people live in a frightening way. To learn more, you tin can check out this TED-ED video on FluentU that tells you how yous can recognize a dystopia.

21. "The Velveteen Rabbit" by Margery Williams

The Velveteen Rabbit: Or How Toys Become Real (Reading Railroad Books)

A elementary, stuffed rabbit toy is given to a immature boy as a Christmas present. In the beginning, the rabbit isn't noticed, as the boy is distracted by much fancier gifts. While being ignored, the rabbit begins to wonder what it ways to be "real."

One day, a sure event brings the rabbit into contact with the male child. Later on that, the toy'south life changes dramatically (a lot).

What Is Corking About It: Have you ever loved a toy or doll then much, that you treated information technology every bit if it were alive? This story shows the ability of dearest from a very unexpected viewpoint: that of a fluffy blimp rabbit. The velveteen rabbit toy is loved dearly by its owner, regardless of how worn out he becomes.

Although this story was made for children, its message is for anyone of any age. The rabbit's quest (journey) of becoming "existent" can be understood in a very human being way. The story shows the importance of cocky-value, being truthful to yourself and finding strength in those who love you.

22. "The Happy Prince" by Oscar Wilde

english story

In the eye of a metropolis is a very fancy, decorated statue of a prince, and information technology is known as the Happy Prince. One solar day, a eat bird decides to rest on the statue, only to become wet past the tears of the crying statue.

The Prince, every bit information technology turns out, is not happy at all. When he was live and living in his palace, he had no idea how much suffering was happening outside his home. Now as a statue that stands high above the urban center, he can finally come across the many injustices happening to the people.

Past the Prince'southward request, the swallow begins to take off pieces of the statue and give them away to the poor. Together, the two piece of work to try and give what aid they tin can to the less fortunate.

What Is Nifty About It: It can be easy to ignore people who are struggling and having a hard time. However, it is not good to always "turn a blind eye" and pretend not to notice. Sometimes, fifty-fifty one practiced human activity (action) tin make a large impact for both the person doing it and the person receiving it.

"The Happy Prince" is a story that shows the importance of clemency and empathy. These two things can come up with a lot of sacrifices, but you can proceeds a lot in other means. The story as well points out that y'all should judge a person non past what they accept, but by what they give.

23. "Cinderella" past Charles Perrault

english story You may already know the story of Cinderella; many people saw the Disney movie or read a children'south book for it. However, there are really many different versions of "Cinderella."

This i past Charles Perrault is the well-nigh well-known one and is ofttimes the version told to children.

What Is Great Nigh It:

"Cinderella" is a loved story because it describes how a kind and hard-working person was able to get the happy ending she deserved.

Even though Cinderella's stride-sisters treated her awfully, Cinderella herself remained gentle and apprehensive. Information technology goes to prove that even though you may experience hardships, it is important to stay kind, forgiving and mindful.

A brusk version of this story is also available on FluentU, complete with some fun illustrations!

24. "The Friday Everything Inverse" past Anne Hart

english story

In a school located in a small town, the boys are responsible for carrying h2o from the nearby h2o pump. Because only "strong boys" are allowed to practise this, the girls are teased for being "weaker." Not only that, but the boys also get more privileges than the girls, such equally being the offset to become magazines.

One Fri, a girl asks the classroom teacher why girls are not allowed to become water besides. This one question causes a big reaction.

What Is Great Nearly It: I dauntless act, from i brave person, tin can crusade a large change for the better. In this story, a single girl speaks out against what she thinks is wrong. Her backbone surprises everyone, but she inspires the girls to stand up up for themselves confronting the boys who mistreat them.

The story reflects on gender equality and how important it is to fight for fairness. Only considering something is accepted as "normal" does non mean it is correct.

25. "Hills Like White Elephants" past Ernest Hemingway

english story

At a Spanish train station, an American man and a young woman await for a train that would accept them to the city of Madrid.

The woman sees some faraway hills and compares them to "white elephants." This starts a conversation between the two of them, only what they discuss seems to accept a deeper meaning.

What Is Smashing About It: This story is very well-known as a text that makes y'all "read between the lines"—in other words, yous have to try to find a hidden meaning behind what you read.

Much of the story is a dorsum-and-along dialogue between two people, but you lot tin tell a lot virtually them just from what they say to each other.

There is a lot of symbolism and context clues that y'all can clarify in this story. Once y'all realize what the real topic of the characters' conversation is about, you tin figure out the quiet, sadder pregnant behind information technology.

I promise you take fun with these stories while improving your English.

Happy reading!

Dhritiman Ray is a writer of fiction, verse and not-fiction. He specializes in topics similar didactics, psychology and lifestyle. To know more click hither.


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